You’re a leader. Who is leading you?

The answer is: You. You know yourself better than anyone else knows you, and you are in the best position to figure out how you need to grow, how you get better as a leader.

So you’ve grown as much as you know how on your own – read the books, attended the seminars, sat in the leadership forums. But you know there could be more . . . more opportunities to sharpen, grow as a leader, and be the very best version of yourself possible.
I can help you with that.

As Trusted By
Learn how to Lead Like You Were Meant To
Grow your leadership effectiveness with a McKinnon Way-certified coach
Experience leadership change real-time in one of Rob's keynotes or workshops
Learn how to coach leaders for lasting transformation The McKinnon Way
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The role of a coach is to ask great questions you won’t or can’t ask yourself.

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